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This does look really good and I would REALLY like to play with this, but alas  no matter what I do I can't get this to work. I've followed instructions as closely as I could and when I try to apply it (with the Bugfix mod on top of course and no other mod on the list), it just gives me a big list of errors saying many of files aren't found.


Wait, nvm I found out what I was doing wrong. I misread and didn't know I had to approve the Debug Mod first, exit, return and then approve this mod.

having this made me lose the expanded gender mod I had, but I noticed the d-girls, so if at all possible could c-boys be added? just to make it even and this trans man content (the gender conversion worked a little but as soon as any other body part changed it forced futa :/)

Just commenting to say I hope this gets added to the final release too, or at least something to let us change/set their pronouns in game. 

(1 edit) (+1)

Where do you find Giants? Is there a specific location or do you just pray one will show up in the slaver's guild shops?


So I have an exploit. I don't exactly know if it's caused by this expansion as I have two other mods, but I want to check here.

So what the bug is. The player character is stuck at Level 2. The EXP bar is 100% full and bright blue, indicating that you'll level up. When I go to the next day, I see the green text "You have leveled up and earned an additional skill point" in the daily report.
However, the MC is still at LV2, and the EXP bar hasn't changed.
Yet, the MC gets one new skill point. This is repeatable, and seems infinite. I'm about 98 days in and only just noticed that I'm still at LV2.

This doesn't seem to effect any other character, only the MC thankfully.
So this seems to be a very powerful exploit. Hopefully this gets fixed, or at least find out exactly why it's happening.

Cheers, also love your work.


Mod list:
Strive 1.0d Bugfix V6D
ArcsExpansion (newest version)

Game version 1.0

Hey, how are you going? It's me again

Do you have any idea when the talk system will be finished?

It's been over a year since the last update


Hey again! I ended up having to get a new PC and still have to reinstall everything to be able to finish up the latest update. It's definitely been put on the backburner over the last year, but I do still intend to finish it and at least release all the changes pushed onto the github branch when I can get enough time to while juggling jobs. I can't give an ETA at the moment though.

Hi, do you have discord account? Have an idea , could we talk?


Absolutely! Join the discord at:

Sorry if I´m  repeating the question,  but is there any way to toggle the consent feature? 

(1 edit) (+1)

There isn't a way to completely toggle it off, however you can toggle off portions of the feature. Under (or in the Constants mod if you prefer editting it that way), look for "uniqueslavesautopartyconsent" and toggle that to true. That disables the consent system for all unique characters (basically by having them autoaccept everything).

Having the whole system toggled off is something that's feasible but it isn't in place currently. However, if you hit them with an Entrancement spell before talking to them, it should drastically increase the chance of them consenting.

(2 edits)

I tried to install this with the latest S4p and followed the install guide but it refuse to open after I enable and exit arics. This is the debug mod result.

Edit: Nevermind I'm dumb, I added space to the folder name and this happens. restored to original name and the game runs fine

I know it's been a year, but any chance you remember what folder name you edited? I'm having the same issue but I didn't edit any of the folder names and I'm scratching my head. Thanks in advance!

The folder name within the mod folder has to be "AricsExpansion" exactly with no space at the front or back of the name. Sometimes depending on how you extract it, it may also extract to a subfolder (where you have a folder structure of "AricsExpansion/AricsExpansion"). 


Figured it out right after I posted it lol, thanks tho

An incredibly huge mod. Unfortunately it doesn't work on old saves, even so I went through the game twice. I spent a lot more time playing with this mod than in the vanilla version.


Hey, how are you going?

Are you still working in the talk sistem?


I am indeed. It's been sitting partially done for a while as I just haven't had the time to dedicate to the mod that I hoped for some time, but it's not fallen off the radar. There have been several updates with some cool features like Enchanting on the github, but I've still been trying to hold off the next release until I can finish the Talk system as promised.

That´s good to hear

I was afraid that this mod would never be finished


Between you and me, I'm afraid it'll never be finished too. Fortunately we've got an awesome team working on it consistently for when I get pulled away.

Well, that´s a relief

Where to download game?

Is there any way to toggle the consent feature? I found going into the talk menu repeatedly to go through that kind of stuff a little tedious in the early game. I saw toggleable parts but didn't see consent in the config file.


Unfortunately not at this time. I’ve been working on a rework for the entire talk system (which is why it’s been radio silence for a bit) but that isn’t done as of yet.

You can, however, set it up so unique characters automatically consent to joining your party. But not a full system disable.

I could only find three mods that support this... Can anyone direct me to more?


There’s not a lot of compatible mods as this is pretty much an overhaul mod for Strive. Which 3 have you found? I may be able to recommend others.

downloaded and installed the mod everything but the nursery and breeder job seem to be working anyone else have this problem?

There’s no major issues with the nursery that I am aware of. What issues are you encountering? If you’re using the debug mod, any screenshots of your errors would be helpful.

Also, are you only using this and the BugFix mod or are other mods installed as well?

the other mods I am using are random portraits and slave spreadsheet. the problem i'm having with the nursey is there is only one and the breeder job you mention in the description of the mod is non excitant.

There is only one Nursery in the facility in the game which allows you to retain offspring.  Breeder is a specialization that the player can choose at the start of the game which automatically unlocks the nursery, increases the sell price for slaves born within the mansion, etc. It's an option alongside the Mage/Alchemist/etc. There aren't any issues with it as far as I'm aware.

However, if you're looking to breed slaves automatically or similar to a job, unlocking the farm will allow you to choose a lot of options on your slave when they are submitted. You can set them up with a stud there to breed daily.

Hey I was wondering if you had any plans to make combined traits?
the reason I though of this was I just got a slave with Dominant and Submissive which irl would make Switch

yet as its the two seperate traits it nets 

con+ 15

max con-15

obed Growth+20%

Rape actions no penalty if loyalty>80 (above average)

Personally id think a switch would have something more akin to (it takes trust in oneself(confidence) and another(loyalty) to be submissive when you know how to be dominant)


max con+20

obed growth+10%

min loyalty 40

Rape actions have higher cost then normal when loyalty<50 and no cost when loyalty>90 (high)

Im sure there are other combinations of traits that would make sense to turn into better combinations (sum>parts) and that dont appear in the wild (make someone work to get them) 

Maybe weak/strong, quick/clumsy, rubust/frail, magic deaf/responsive, eliminate each other?

Maybe quick/strong/robust become Perfect Body with some added con, base beauty, healing per day?

This was just 5 minutes of thought when I saw an odd combination of traits all said and done im enjoying your mod so thank you for all the effort you put into it.

That is a solid idea and it’s been bounced around on the Discord, but it’s not currently scheduled. It is definitely on the radar though!

(4 edits)

how do you have sex in the street and also keep them undressed if that's a part of this?

The only way to have sex in Strive is either in the mansion (for the full sex system), post-combat with the generated scene, or in specific scenes/events. There isn't a way to have sex in the street in towns.

Keeping them undressed is fairly simple. The tooltip when hovering over the "Strip Immediately" option should explain, but it is only a temporary "Strip Now" option. The standard "Always Remain Nude" rule is still accessible from giving an NPC the Advanced Brand and it'll show up under Customize. The other option is just an easy way of stripping them down while talking to them but I was trying not to override the base game's intention on that.

Question, will this mod be extended to Strive conquest? If so, will it be similar to Aric's expansion first mod?

I've given permissions to another modder to try porting this expansion to Conquest. I believe he's made some progress and gotten some features implemented, but I haven't checked it out personally yet.


I see.. Well it's good to know that the mod will one day have a Conquest Version of it, thanks for the info!

If it is currently available, could you add a link to said mod, or share information on where to look for it?

The mod you were talking about wouldn't happen to be the KMK's Mod?

 •Further Help Installing on a Mac (from RK76Manishog)•  we couldn't find your page


Thanks for pointing that out! I think the page's link changed so I'll have to hunt down the updated link to that post.

(1 edit)

Since i installed the v1.8d i have a second line of stats on the extreme left that is copying the base stats of the characters. The game is reading correctly the middle line as being the correct one and the second line dosen't affect the gameplay.

Don't know if this has been reported before so i did it only to be sure.

Side note: I no longer have the Dimensional Crystal in the Mansion, and the note is saying. that in time his location will be revealed. Please tell me i didn't fucked anything else.

2 lines of stats

Not seeing any problems in your picture. The first line of stats is the base amount, the second line is the bonus stats, and the third line is the max stats. Previously the first two lines would have been added together to be a single line. The Crystal requires you to upgrade the facility before it is visible.

Oh, now both changes make more sense, i really thought that i broke something from mistake.

Thank you for the answers

I can never get this to work, folllow your instructions but always ctd after i get an error list the size of france and follow your instructions. This, isn't fun. I used to have fun with this mod... now i can't even play the darn thing.

Hop in the Discord and we can likely sort out what's happening. A lot of times if the folder has been renamed or the folder structure changed it will CTD.


3rd comment.
Great mod.

Thanks mate!


That's a fine question! I think most people are still commenting in either the original thread on the main Strive page or in one of the two Discords. I see most questions/ideas/etc in either the Strive discord or the mod's Discord as it typically gets a quicker response there.